This week, I’m hosting a 5-day Boost Your Mood Challenge! If you’d like to follow along, join us on Instagram.
You might be thinking: can a few small changes over 5 days really improve my mood? And friend, the answer is YES, they absolutely can!

Here are the 5 things we’ll be focusing on in the Boost Your Mood Challenge:
Food before caffeine.
Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water.
Take 3 deep breaths before eating.
Create a mood boosting plate.
Track your mood and energy.
Let’s talk about how each of these elements helps improve your mood.
Food before caffeine
Listen, I love my morning coffee just as much as the next person. But it’s so important to remember that caffeine is a stimulant, not just a beverage. I’m challenging you to eat something BEFORE consuming coffee in the morning. It doesn’t have to be a huge breakfast–it can even be just a handful of nuts or seeds.
So why does it matter? As a stimulant, caffeine can easily throw you on a blood sugar rollercoaster. It can give you a short, intense burst of energy, followed by a crash as you search for your next energy spike.
If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, eating before having caffeine can really be a game changer for you.
Drink half your body weight in ounces of water
Water is the MOST important nutrient of the human body. Did you know that if water content within the body drops as little as 2% it can cause fatigue?
Early signs of dehydration include:
A healthy amount of water to drink daily is half of your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 150lbs, drink a minimum of 75 ounces each day. Do not exceed 100 ounces though. It’s tough for anyone’s kidneys to handle that amount of fluid intake. For better absorption, add a pinch of pink himalayan sea salt to your water for electrolyte support.
Take 3 deep breaths before eating
If you’ve been following along with me for a while now, this one may not surprise you. In order for our body to fully digest and absorb the nutrients we are taking in, we need to be in a state of rest. Three deep breaths is a tangible way to intentionally prepare your body for food. Digestion starts in the brain, and by allowing our mind and body to connect we get the most out of what we’re eating. This is why I always say “rest to digest.”
Create a mood boosting plate
At least once a day, fill your plate with protein, vegetables and fat. This doesn’t mean you can’t have any carbohydrates; however, they aren’t the focus of this particular meal. Here’s how each of these foods helps improve your mood:
Protein: Endorphins are composed of at least 15 amino acids. Amino acids are found in protein sources, and only animal sources contain all 22 possible amino acids. Aim for 20-30 grams of protein at a meal. If you have a hard time digesting protein or maybe lack the taste for it, it could be a sign that your digestion is off.
Vegetables: Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your brain loves! They partner strategically with proteins and fats in helping your body absorb the nutrients it needs. Not to mention they also provide you with healthy carbohydrates, without the risk of spiking your blood sugar and sending you on an energy roller coaster.
Fat: Our brains need fat! We use fat to help absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. It’s also great for energy support. There’s a correlation between depression among individuals and the ratio of omega 3’s and 6’s within the brain. Our brain calls first dibs on any omega 3 fats we consume. When we add in omega-3s, we can raise dopamine levels, which translates to mental and physical alertness, focus and excitement.
Track your mood and energy
It’s hard to know what’s working if you don’t track it! So the last item on our challenge is TRACKING how you feel. Here are 2 questions to ask yourself throughout the challenge:
On a scale of 1 to 10, what have my energy levels been throughout the day?
How did what I eat make me feel? (Did it give me a long-term energy boost or an intense energy boost followed by a crash?)
Want a tracking tool to move you through this challenge? Download it here!
So, what do you say, friend? Will you join us for a week of mood-boosting activity? I hope you do! Remember, making just a few small changes can help you start to see results.
Want to follow along with us for the challenge? Check out my Instagram or hop on my newsletter list.
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The content found on Integrative Counseling and Nutrition Consulting platform is not intended to be a substitute for professional therapeutic advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your psychiatrist, therapist or other qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding a mental health condition.